Compare two huge directories on Linux

I have a huge document directory in my Linux which I copied from my external hard drive long long ago. My hard disk is almost full on my Linux. So I want to move these files to the external to save more space for my Linux. However, I am not sure the huge directory (almost 30GB+) is the same as that in the external drive and whether I have changed some file or not.

So I write this simple bash script. It can work even if the path have spaces.

#!/bin/bash - 
set -o nounset                              # Treat unset variables as an error
dir2='/run/media/someone/FAT32/Documents Backup/'

# We assume the sub directories in dir1 and dir2 are all the same.

for i in $(ls $dir1)
  echo "comparing $i in those two paths."
  diff -ur "$com1" "$com2"
  echo "Finish comparing $i."

echo "FINISH....!!!"

Though these two directories is about 30GB. It doesn't take very long to finish. :-)