
Technocup 2017 - Elimination Round 2 C. Road to Cinema Problem There are N cars, each car's price is C[i] and its fuel tank capacity is V[i]. The road length is S. There are K stations on the road. We must pass the road in T minutes. Fuel is free. Car can drive in two mode: (1) …

Technocup 2017 - Elimination Round 2 D. Sea Battle Problem: There are N grid on a row, there are A ships, each ship's length is B. Let an int array Array[N] represents the grids. Array[i] == 0 or Array[i] == 1. Ships can only be placed on 0's. Guess some positions that there…

Codeforces Round #165 (Div. 1) B. Greenhouse Effect Because Xi < Xi+1, for i in [1, N). The plants are given in order "from left to the right". So all of Xi values are not important in this problem. We can discard them. Now the problem is: Given N numbers S[N]. Given a number…